
Proceedings in series from the second international conference of the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers organized online, from 15 to 16 October 2020. 
Inter Alia 7
Developing ESP Competencies: Between Tasks, Experience, Skills, and Method
ISBN 978-961-95543-0-2 (PDF)
Editors: Mateja Dostal and Polona Vičič


Proceedings in series from the first international conference of the Slovene Association of LSP Teachers organized in Rimske Toplice, Slovenia, from 18 to 20 May 2017. 



Inter Alia 6
Linguaggi specialistici nell’ottica di alcuni progetti internazionali – pluralità di proposte e di approcci
ISBN 978-961-91069-8-3

Editor: Nives Lenassi





Inter Alia 5
Fachbezogener Fremdsprachenunterricht – aktuelle Herausforderungen und zukünftige Chancen
ISBN 978-961-91069-7-6

Editor: Brigita Kacjan





Inter Alia 4
ESP in Higher Education: Between Terminology, Discourse and Corpus Research
ISBN 978-961-91069-6-9

Editor: Mateja Dostal





Inter Alia 3
In Search of the Elusive ESP Methodology
ISBN 978-961-91069-5-2

Editor: Slavica Čepon


